Our Story


Proper Woodworks. is built on the idea of bringing back high quality handmade wares to the U.K. We are tired of seeing cheap quality products sourced from abroad where good moral ethics cannot be guaranteed. We try to recycle all of our waste pieces either by ourselves or by locals who stop by. We source all of our wood locally either in sustainable wood mills, or by visiting local joineries to re use their waste wood. We are also focused on building very strong ties with other small local businesses, and you can expect collaborations of a very wide variety. By supporting us, you’re also supporting them, and you’re local community. We want to bring back the conventional workshop, where locals can come and express their ideas, and can source skilled labor, luckily technology can make this as easy as ever. If you need anything related to carpentry or furniture making please get in touch via the contact page, we’re here for you.

Billy and Jake.

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Our business cards, along with where to find us!


We founded in 2020 during the Covid-19 crisis, with work looking less certain than we wanted we had to do something about it, that’s where Proper Woodworks. came in. We rented some units in our local craft centre, the courtyard, and got to work. Jake is a carpenter with 15 years experience, and Billy is an engineer with 7 years experience. Combining this knowledge makes us well placed for manufacturing at a decent price point as well as assisting with your at home carpentry needs.